A lot goes into a successful shoot. Whether for portraiture, sports or landscape a lot of what I do requires proper planning. Choosing the right gear from the start makes the execution on site so much easier....especially with extra batteries!

No matter the circumstance the right gear has you covered.
“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” – Andy Warhol
Shooting stars requires a sturdy tripod, a fast wide angle lens (in my case I use the EF 24-70 f/2.8L II), an off-camera shutter release, headlamps & flashlights, a lot of patience and tons of bug spray. Shooting sports....well that's where the high white lenses come in and the crop sensor on the 7D Mark II let's me get right in on the action. For soft impactful portraiture my go to lens is the 85mm prime f1.4 I LOVE THIS Lens!